About Us

Hi, I’m Robert Joseph Sr.

I started out as a Southie kid who got a job after high school in pest control, a little over twenty years ago with a local family run company. I worked with a close knit family there, really valued that time, and obtained my license in pest control. Another opportunity presented itself and I started at another great small company which helped me build a solid foundation in the business. Five years later the company was sold which is when I went to work for a start up company based in the city. During this time I held a management position and had the opportunity to see a company grow from the ground up. This was a truly amazing process with a lot of learning curves and an experience I am forever grateful for. During the COVID pandemic, I had a rare opportunity to work back at the family company where my career started with the late owners grandson; and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to reconnect with my roots. Throughout the years, I’ve had the opportunity to take courses to continue my education in pest management and obtain different licenses to further my career.

Along the way, I met my wife Michaela, bought a house on the south shore, and made a life for our five kids Leyah, Mckenzie, Hayden, Robert Joseph Jr. (RJ), and Teagan; and our “furr-babies” (my wife’s word not mine) Dexter and Larry. In my spare time (just kidding what’s that?) I enjoy bieng a glorified taxi driver to my kids sporting events, family gatherings, fantasy football, date nights and golf.

After many sacrifices, risks, and what we hope to be good timing -we have been led to finally take the next step in our American Dream and start a business of our own. Coming from a family of all girls myself, and then having 4 (amazing) daughters, along with my late fathers first name being Robert; it was only fitting to name the company after the only boy in the family and my namesake; R.J..